How To Get Rid Of Gum Ulcers I Have 7 Ulcers In My Mouth And I Have No Idea How To Get Rid Of Them! Any Ideas?

I have 7 ulcers in my mouth and I have no idea how to get rid of them! Any ideas? - how to get rid of gum ulcers

I have before, but never much. I get to the bottom line of my gums and mouth. All of these are at the gum line next to the teeth. One of them is so bad that you can see the roots of the teeth. I touched the water again too salty in the mouth. And it hurts to brush my teeth. I have 4 ulcers in the top 3 in the background. I do not accept tips or advice that I found!


gem69ine said...

Mouth ulcers are usually caused by stress or consumption of acidic foods, causing many .. Strawberries, if you eat too much. I use ORA-SED. You will receive at the pharmacy and what does it numb the sore and healing at the same time.

Mindi said...

drun go to the local store and buy some liquid Maalox. Use as on the bottle, but be sure to swish around the mouth really well (for a few minutes if you can) stand the taste. That's what I do when I have sores in the mouth (I was in the Dominican Republic on the sores in his mouth and he told me they do). It should be noted that in a few days.

littlemo... said...

4 was when I on my keys that hurt so much, but 7? honestly: P, I learned that I had to wait until the end in about 10 days should be gone ...

At the same time to avoid acid and rinsed with salt water often throughout the day ... We also use baby Orajel to numb the affected area (I have not used, but I know that other people recommend it), you can buy at your local pharmacy ... Hope that helps:)

Semp77 said...

maul Epson salt and warm water from time to time, maybe 3 or 4 times a day .. Try to touch your language ... Avoid sweets and sugary foods, especially sweets such as cakes, shock, etc. .. Drink lots of H2O.

Semp77 said...

maul Epson salt and warm water from time to time, maybe 3 or 4 times a day .. Try to touch your language ... Avoid sweets and sugary foods, especially sweets such as cakes, shock, etc. .. Drink lots of H2O.

Gooner1 said...

Gel 'Bonjela held "have ulsers 7 is good!

Gooner1 said...

Gel 'Bonjela held "have ulsers 7 is good!

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