Acid Reflux Foods Acid Reflux - Foods That I Can Eat?

Acid Reflux - foods that I can eat? - acid reflux foods

I have for this kind of food you can eat online, but some sites that I have to say that certain foods are good and others say the same food is bad.

For example, yogurt. I read in some websites, low-fat yogurt or fat for a person who is well under acid reflux. I ate Yoplait yogurt and a few sites, said the yogurt is for anyone suffering from acid reflux bad because dairy produce acids.

I bought a few bananas, biscuits, bread, rice and wheat have.

What works for you and what is not? Sushi can cause acid reflux?


Andrea said...

Different things cause reflux of different people, but some general rules:
Stay away from fatty and greasy foods
Do not smoke
Do not drink alcohol
Avoid sharp
Do not be "full" - Eat smaller meals and more often
Not to eat for several hours before bedtime
Do not use (not even on the couch) for a few hours after eating
You can increase put some blocks on the pedals at the head of your bed
If you had a return for several years, an endoscopy should be performed to see if they had Barrett's esophagus, which may eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus
Ask your doctor about how to start is omeprazole (Prilosec to its generic name)
Some foods have to think for themselves. For example, every time you eat a bar of NutraGrain I'm really bad reflux. Not in a category that say stay away from her fall, but it is not easy with my body. The same with peppers. It takes some time to understand what works for you.
As for dairy products is .... To relieve your symptoms a little, because the layer of the stomach, but there are so acid that could eventually occur in the ass, only to find what works for you.

OtherGuy said...

I had acid reflux for years.
Few dietary advice I can give, the rest presumably be found by trial and error.

1) an apple to eat in the afternoon.

Do not eat, 2) or drink for a while before bedtime. Some people stop for dinner.

Some general tips:
Keep your head out of bed.
When she awoke in the night, is the only thing that helps me not at all, Alka Seltzer and sitting for 20 minutes.

You need to get this under control, even if it means acid reducers (recipe) forever. There are no unpleasant long-term problems to fight, including the risk of Barrett's esophagus.

There are probably more that I could bring to light, but that's what comes to mind now.

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