Science Selective Rabbit Transfer To UC Berkeley From CC Science Major?

Transfer to UC Berkeley from CC science major? - science selective rabbit

Hello, I am currently in DC, plans to transfer two years ago. Since I am a science major (Biochem or other), it takes 2 to 3 years to lower division completed. I closed all GE and only general chemistry, and now they have O-chemical and biological computing. GPA = 3.5 Must I stay for 3 years and try to UC Berkeley, or the transfer of 2.5 years (winter quarter) UC Davis.
Moreover, what science is less selective for large UCB (like my average is low) (must BS) My friend said the molecular and cellular biology (MCB) is easier to achieve, but a BA toxiology What?
I got two sticks (I do not love you, and not related to my field!) And Volunteer!


yoyoyoho... said...

I think you should wait and transfer to UBC. Although Davis is a great school, they have the same value as a certain level of Berkeley, especially if you plan to graduate.
The most popular science major at Berkeley have MCB and Integrative Biology, but they are both BA for any reason. I do not know if the poison is stupid, but it could be. I know I ought to be easier to get into MCB and IB, because it is in the School of Public Health, which is much smaller than the College of Arts and Sciences competition.

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