Baby Tricycle Is It Normal For A Mother To Still Be Holding On To Her Child's Toys For Memories?

Is it normal for a mother to still be holding on to her child's toys for memories? - baby tricycle

My husband is 30 this year and his mother was always his tricycle, and many of his toys as a baby and a toddler. He still has some of their clothes. He sat still his baby shoes in bronze in the living room and even has a lock of his hair (when I was a child resides) in a bag. I think this is very strange. I could see maybe one or two things, but still, why cling to this?


JUSTME said...

Oh HUN retain as much as possible, as they grow soooooo damn fast

Maureen said...

It's your life, your memories. Some people, like a tangible reminder of important things in his past. Some do not.

It is not unusual. Exactly what it is important to do what you feel content.

gypsy g said...

Yes, that's normal. Perhaps it is a lost art. At the moment, books for babies are not like the baby books of the past. My baby book of the seventies was accompanied by a cover, the lock of hair from his first haircut. Save a few special items left to her grandchildren is very common. In fact, use of My Favorite Things are now a family heirloom. Chair for my brothers. Christening Gowns and little sneakers. Wooden cradles and rocking chairs, rugs and blankets.
It is unfortunate that our culture has to kill to complete the purchase, use and disposal mentality. It's really a shame.

sammie said...

It is perfectly normal. Sometimes it's fun to go back and see things from your childhood favorite. My mother had a lot of me and my sister's toys. My father in the neighborhood, and my mother came out and moved to the Trash.

I think all the items that my children their first fruits. My 13-year-old son loves to open her bag and look at things.

I think it is not unusual.

Cam said...

The mother of my husband has many of the same things. I see myself the same thing with some of the things my son.

Love is an American Bulldog said...

Are you kidding? Of course this is completely normal. My hair is the first haircut is my daughters, I owe her "blankie" that could not just leave .. until the girls were great I have clothes from when they were young and first home hospital hospital ID bracelets ... ... and the list goes on and on. We cling to them because we see how they grow soooo fast, and I just want to keep something from that moment in his life. You probably have no children, but I do not know, but wait until you sell, you save all kinds of things!

Keith P said...

Yes, baby shoes on a plate
the lock together in an album
the tricycle and toys, unless it has a garage with unlimited space.
when the dose Where can I get one?

forever5 said...

I think I'm weird, then!

I have a lock of hair from each of my children (from his 1st haircut) in each of her books for babies.

I think a few pictures they drew from each year of his life (it's fun to watch and see how their ability to change from year to year,).

I have all the Mother's Day Gift ever given me (even tennis balls, not tennis, but they are what my daughter wanted me).

I carry all my children from the hospital, they hide everything.

I have a few pieces of clothing, were his favorites, for some reason I have not yet decided what to do with them on.

My mother had a lot of blue jeans for my husband, who has now made blankets for bedding for our son from them. They think it is soooo cool to have a father pants in their beds.

My parents had some of our toys (some are worth some money now!) And my children play with them when they go there.

Perhaps someone has notHat do you like this, but I know that many parents who are no fields of things somewhere. Just because it does not strangers on the screen said he was proud of his son!

Shannon E said...

i dont think its strange things, like some teams and keep a lock of hair or shoes bronze. he was a baby, and she has always looked like this. I hope everything is off the screen of British Columbia, which can be a little obsessive, but I think the normal. and as you know, it is not storing your baby's toys in a day?
Who knows, but every mother thinks things. R is only a little, and we know he will grow and leave us. Then, one day they can sit and learn these things, and I remember when it was his (little) man to sell it.
I guarantee that their own rprob MOTHE with some of their business activities. they leave and do things differently. well, she shows her son loves!
Good luck and congratulations if Preggo.

Shannon E said...

i dont think its strange things, like some teams and keep a lock of hair or shoes bronze. he was a baby, and she has always looked like this. I hope everything is off the screen of British Columbia, which can be a little obsessive, but I think the normal. and as you know, it is not storing your baby's toys in a day?
Who knows, but every mother thinks things. R is only a little, and we know he will grow and leave us. Then, one day they can sit and learn these things, and I remember when it was his (little) man to sell it.
I guarantee that their own rprob MOTHE with some of their business activities. they leave and do things differently. well, she shows her son loves!
Good luck and congratulations if Preggo.

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