Thank You Message To Girlfriend Should I Send A Message To My Ex-girlfriend And Try And Resolve Things So We Can Eventually Be Friends ?

Should I send a message to my ex-girlfriend and try and resolve things so we can eventually be friends ? - thank you message to girlfriend

There are only three weeks have not respond to my calls for no reason, I went home to see what is passed through a wouldnt let me in. So I called his mother cell and left me in (it was in the nearest neighbor are), and when I'm gone, my ex went upstairs to the bathroom and tell me what wouldnt. While she was there, I have the wrong card in his pocket without his knowledge and told me he was sick and left. A few days later went to work, as he was leaving so I could talk to him. She went to his car and wouldnt let me talk first about it. I landed after her for 40 minutes until he retired again, but she did not even talk with me and ignore what is happening. I told him how I badly injured and I went. A week and a half later realized that IIdentification of text messages sent and 5 of them swore. I am 21 and 19th So the question is if I email them back ID, and if I send a message to try to resolve the conflict and, finally, the work being friends. We went for nearly two years. Thank you for your comments. I'm still with their friends on Facebook. She has two pictures of us always on your side, but she added her comments to mean, I know what I thought I looked too good to be with him.


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