What Should I See With An 8 Inch Newton Reflector A Matching Problem?

A Matching Problem? - what should i see with an 8 inch newton reflector

1 mass of a substance per unit volume
2. Metric unit of power
3. indicating that if something is down or swim
4. Weight
5. 4.7 pounds per square inch
6. an increase in speed over time
7. Amplitude and direction
8. Pressure Unit
9. depends on mass and velocity
10. Priority is high
11. Density unit
12. Length or volume
13. Direction Center
14. Force per unit area
15. produced only by a combination of forces, force

a. pressure
b. W
c. centripetal
d. Vector
e. Density
f. pounds per square foot
g. tilt
h. unstable equilibrium
i. Atmospheric Pressure
j. Centrifugal fan
k. resulting
l. Specific gravity
m. Newton
n. pounds per cubic foot
Dynamics o.
P. Quality Scale
q. Slow
R. Acceleration


Pearlsaw... said...

1 The mass of a substance per unit volume: E. Density
2. Metric unit of power b. W
3. Indicates whether to swim or sink something: l. Specific gravity
4. Weight unit: m Newton
5. 14.7 pounds per square inch I. Atmospheric Pressure
6. An increase in speed over time: R. Acceleration
7. Product Direction: D. Vector
8. Pressure unit: pounds per square foot f.
9. Depending on the mass and velocity: O. Momentum
10. The focus is highly h. Labile equilibrium
11. Unit density n. pounds per cubic foot
12. Length or volume: p. Quality Scale
13. Towards the middle: C. centripetal
14. Force per unit area A. Pressure
15. Sola power generated by a combination of forces:
k. Resulting

g. Inclined Plane
j. Centrifuge
q. Delay

Pearlsaw... said...

1 The mass of a substance per unit volume: E. Density
2. Metric unit of power b. W
3. Indicates whether to swim or sink something: l. Specific gravity
4. Weight unit: m Newton
5. 14.7 pounds per square inch I. Atmospheric Pressure
6. An increase in speed over time: R. Acceleration
7. Product Direction: D. Vector
8. Pressure unit: pounds per square foot f.
9. Depending on the mass and velocity: O. Momentum
10. The focus is highly h. Labile equilibrium
11. Unit density n. pounds per cubic foot
12. Length or volume: p. Quality Scale
13. Towards the middle: C. centripetal
14. Force per unit area A. Pressure
15. Sola power generated by a combination of forces:
k. Resulting

g. Inclined Plane
j. Centrifuge
q. Delay

sparta_m... said...

alreade to respond! This is fun ...

# 10 is confusing ... That g) could be the slippery slope, but it makes no sense! As you know, where is the center of gravity when the object is not consistent?

1 mass of a substance per unit volume density = e.

2. Metric unit of power = b. W

3. indicate that if something is to swim or sink specific gravity = L.

4. Density = m Newton

5. 4.7 pounds per square inch = I. atmosphere pressure

6. an increase in speed in time = r. Acceleration

7. Amplitude and direction vector = D.

8. Q. A unit of pressure = pounds per square foot

9. Mass and velocity dependent momentum = o.

10. Priority is high

11. Density unit = n. pounds per cubic foot

12. Length or volume = p. Quality Scale

13. Towards the center = j. Centrifugal fan

14. Force per unit area = a. pressure

15. Only through a combination of forces produces resultant force = k.

..... *

c. centripetal
g. tilt
h. unstable equilibrium
q. Slow

devilsad... said...

10. Gravity is higher - h. unstable equilibrium.
In other words, the object is likely to fall into another stable state of equilibrium.

Question No. 5 is obviously a typo. The atmospheric pressure is 14.7 kg / cm ².

Responses from other sparta_moron appear to have been reasonable.

devilsad... said...

10. Gravity is higher - h. unstable equilibrium.
In other words, the object is likely to fall into another stable state of equilibrium.

Question No. 5 is obviously a typo. The atmospheric pressure is 14.7 kg / cm ².

Responses from other sparta_moron appear to have been reasonable.

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